Shootesy *
Hello big boy, pick me up – Oo! What a strong grip you have !
- hold me - go on - shove it in ! you know you want to – pleeze !
- right up my chamber,– yes !- yes ! - squeeze me now !
He felt the gun jump in his hand even before he heard the shot.
He weighs the gun in his hand,
“It is a nice piece… Ok, I’ll take it and throw in a couple of clips”
He looks around for the store keeper.
“ Hey ! Hello, any one there...”
He notices blood spattered over the wall and the shelves,
He leans over the counter and sees the corpse of the sales assistant.
”Oh ! Shit! - Oh No, Crap ! Not Another One !
And I was doing real good this week !”
“… Err Yeah, Um, sorry, pall.”
“ Oh well, its not all gloom, - Got a Free Gun !”
Shoving the pistol into the back of his belt, casually draping his jacket over one shoulder, ( covering the pistol ) he strolls out of the gun store into the bright sunlight. He nonchalantly puts on his shades.
It was going to be another hot day…
* Title was the name of my late friend Len Lewys’ animation studio.
Illustration by DrFilmgood click to view.