In a disused shed in the Industrial Estate on the bypass, two figures are examining an object on a dimly lit bench.
Where’s the Head ?
The what ?
The head, The HEAD !
Er… the round thing on the top ?
YES ! the round thing on the top, the HEAD, where is it ?
Er… It’s… out the back.
Out the back ! what is it doing OUT THE BACK ?
Um…Er…Why… is it important ?
IMPORTANT ! of course it is important ! it is the most important part !
How many times do I have to tell you ?
that’s where the brain …!
I’ve told you umpteen times !
AND ! it’s on page ONE of the manual — what is wrong with you ?
…WHY did you leave it, OUT THE BACK !
Er…Um..I...It’s…It’s the round things.
The – Round - Things ? The Eyes ?
Yes, they… Swivel !
Swivel ? — The Eyes…That, is how they perceive the environ…
And and……it’s… it’s…the hole in the front —at the bottom of the front, it… it moves.
Oh, for fucks sake… ! the Mouth, the Mouth ! that is how they communicate — I know its repulsi… But you should be used to all this by now !
…And the…SOUNDS !
THAT — will be screaming — when you Remove THE HEAD !
……How long has it been there ?
What ? Where ?
The HEAD ! How long has it been, OUT THE BACK ?
Oh, Er…Not long.
How long ?
Um…about Two days.
TWO DAYS ! TWO DAYS ! two hours is too long, it has to be re-attached immediately ! or the sample is wasted !
Don’t shout ! you always shout, Stop shouting at me it’s not fair I’m doing my best.
Oh Jesus ! - I’ve had enough of this. After I make my next report, you’ll be getting a transfer back to H.Q !
…What ? …Report ? …Transfer… ME !
Oh Yeah ! Transfer is it ? I’M not getting transferred, Oh No, you’ll be the one transferred when I make MY REPORT !
Your report ?
Yeah, I’ve seen you with the samples, rubbing yourself all over them, specially …the…The ones with the eggs !
With THE EGGS, you mean The females ?
Yes, the Feem-ale-z ! I’ve been watching you, yuck ! How they going to like that at back at H.Q ?
Er… well er… Oh, yes I… well, no need to be hasty I...I… Ok, I apologize, I, I won’t shout, any more…er… I’m sorry…just, please remember about the heads, they are very important for the project.
…Always shouting at me, an bossing me about – do this, do that,
‘Put The Head Back On’, I do all the work, fetching samples an.. you wait till I…
Alright ! Alright, I’m sorry, in future I won’t shout, I’m sorry, it’s been a long assignment, please, just get another sample, and … And take the rest of the week off.
Well, alright — be polite.
Yes, yes I will, you are doing well, we, we will share the work from now on.
Well, — that’s better — always moaning and shouting at me, snot fair …
Yes I’m sorry, in future I’ll be more polite…but will you please, just get another sample please ?
Well…Ok, Another sample.